vineri, 3 martie 2017

Copper Tropicana (Copper Leaf) By Marcelina Amelia

Marcelina Amelia is a contemporary artist, working with mixed media approaches to print, painting and drawing. Taking inspiration from religious iconography, folk tales, dreams, sexuality, and the human condition, her work plays at the borders between lust and innocence, creating a beautiful and uneasy aesthetic that is saturated with contemplation and profundity. 'Copper Tropicana (Copper Leaf)' showcases Amelia's interest in the triangular relationship between the nature world, the metropolis and human implication. The pot plant represents nature tamed and enclosed and, in the frightening hands of the human, Amelia shows us the damage that we inflict on the natural world around us. 'Copper Tropicana (Copper Leaf)', with its bright palette, hand laid copper leaf, and use of both figurative and abstract elements, is a powerful piece of print work. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: USD145.00
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