miercuri, 1 martie 2017

I Hate Street Art Smurf - Grey By FAKE

Contemporary street artist FAKE works the tricks of urban art - from stencilling to spray paint - into his limited edition prints. Often brimming with playful irony, FAKE's work is both colourful and charming, an aesthetic with magnetic appeal. 'I Hate Street Art - Grey' is the latest in a collection of Smurf prints by FAKE, which take the iconic cartoon character and play with layers of post-modern irony. Against a flat, grey background stands a Smurf, his fists clenched and his expression one of exasperation, as a speech bubble reads "I Hate Street Art!" in cartoonish lettering. It's smart and fun, a tongue-in-cheek comment on the contemporary art world and a fabulous piece of print making. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: USD90.00
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