luni, 27 februarie 2017

St Michaels Mount By Clare Halifax

Clare Halifax is an artist who understands the beauty of print making. Using highly skilled processes, with an impressive talent for illustration, Halifax creates prints of rich and meticulous detail, with design, pattern and colour playing crucial roles in the overall aesthetic. Halifax takes inspiration from her immediate surroundings, drawing on places of special significance from her own life to create graphic landscapes filled with vibrancy and character. 'St Michael's Mount' shows the impressive Cornish island, rising out of the water, the castle visible at its peak. The image is dominated by sea and sky, both of which Halifax has rendered in a geometric blue pattern, which contrasts well against her illustrative style. The verdure of the island had been coloured in deep green but Halifax has left the rest of the print - all of the man made objects (boats, buildings, streets and walls) - in simple black ink. There is a beautiful, sketchy quality to the ink-drawn sections, and Halifax has artfully captured the sleepy character of the little Cornish island. A real triumph of colour and composition 'St Michael's Mount' showcases contemporary print making at its best. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: USD200.00
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