luni, 11 septembrie 2017

Designer floor lamp Poppy with a certain extra

Poppy – a designer floor lamp with wonderful petalsThe arms of Poppy – this extraordinary designer floor lamp – appear to bend and twist in all possible directions. One bends downwards, another upwards, and the third points backwards. They can overlap or point away from one another – it is like they are leading lives of their own. This is precisely the effect that the designers of this floor lamp were hoping to achieve. Poppy was designed to offer the greatest possible flexibility; thus it features three bendy flexible arms instead of a rigid frame, and these arms can be rotated in any direction you choose. The fact that both the fabric-covered arms and the metal base come in black means that the former appear to have sprouted up out of the base.Yet the truly special thing about this light is not the flexible arms – after all, these are often found on table and floor lamps. Instead, it is the flower-like lampshades that offer something quite different. The body of the delicate flowers is formed by hand-blown spheres of black-violet glass and they house the three bulbs. When the light is switched on, the structure of the glass becomes apparent and the violet shines through subtly. And then something else happens: The petals open by themselves! This is not magic; it is a physical process that causes the petals to unfold. The petals are made of bimetal. This materials reacts to the warmth emitted by the bulb and begins to expand. This effect is a perfect mimic of the natural spectacle of flowers opening their petals to the sun and is created with the simplest technique. It has been combined with light in such an intelligent way that a truly unprecedented light has been created as a result: Poppy! Click the banner to get it at ONLY: GBP671.9
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