marți, 12 septembrie 2017

Fantastic glass hanging light Saya, copper colour

Enchanting glass hanging light Saya with an individual-looking surface designSaya's lampshade is a real masterpiece which impresses the beholder with glamour and style. It is made from glass and the surface looks as if it has been hit with a hammer, for it is irregular and pervaded by countless indentations. Anyone who thinks one step ahead will soon come to the conclusion that you can hardly hit glass with a hammer, as it is one of the most fragile materials that there is. This is certainly correct and the much more important thing here is probably the appearance of the hanging light which simply looks as if someone had picked up a hammer and hit the lampshade with it by hand. But it is not only the surface design that needs to be addressed in the case of this glass hanging light, as the colour design also attracts the gaze of the beholders. Saya has a copper-coloured surface, which is nevertheless translucent, thanks to the basic material glass. It is, however, of course the case that the majority of the light escapes downwards, which is why a table surface can be lit up very attractively by the hanging light. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: GBP51.9
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