sâmbătă, 25 noiembrie 2017

Person and Society: Introduction to Global Issues and Identities;

Table of Contents WEEK 1: Introduction – The Sociological Imagination Chapter 1 of Textbook 1 Macionis; J & Plummer; K (2017) Person and Society: Introduction to Global Issues and Identities; Custom Edition; Pearson Education Australia Pty Ltd; New South Wales; Chapter 1: The Sociological Imagination. WEEK 2: Globalisation Chapter 2 of Textbook 33 Macionis; J & Plummer; K (2017) Person and Society: Introduction to Global Issues and Identities; Custom Edition; Pearson Education Australia Pty Ltd; New South Wales; Chapter 2: Thinking Sociologically; Thinking Globally. WEEK 3: Global Citizenship & Human Rights E-reader 63 Dower; N (2008) 'Are we all global citizens or are only some of us global citizens?'; in A Abdi and L Shultz (eds) Educating for human rights and global citizenship; State University of New York Press; Albany; pp. 39-53. WEEK 4: Culture Chapter 3 of Textbook 65 Macionis; J (2017) Person and Society: Introduction to Global Issues and Identities; Custom Edition; Pearson Education Australia Pty Ltd; New South Wales; Chapter 3: Culture. WEEK 5: Social Class and Global Stratification Chapter 4 of Textbook 97 Macionis; J (2017) Person and Society: Introduction to Global Issues and Identities; Custom Edition; Pearson Education Australia Pty Ltd; New South Wales; Chapter 4: Social Stratification. C hapter 5 of Textbook 122 Macionis; J (2017) Person and Society: Introduction to Global Issues and Identities; Custom Edition; Pearson Education Australia Pty Ltd;  Buy now the item at ONLY: 74.95
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Person and Society: Introduction to Global Issues and Identities;

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