sâmbătă, 25 noiembrie 2017

We All Fall Down

Theo and Paige are desperate to forget the night that tore them apart. But someone is playing wicked games with them to make them remember…Theo and Paige's friendship ended the night his impulse issues took over. When he got in a fight; and she tried to intervene; his fist accidently connected with her face—leading Paige to add Theo to her already long list of fears. When she finds the courage to start over in a nearby town; she's stunned to learn that Theo's in town too. And they're both drawn to a bridge that's notorious for love and death. When they are near the bridge; familiar items begin to appear one after the next; terrifying souvenirs of a night they are both desperate to forget.But what are these clues supposed to make them remember? Buy now the item at ONLY: 16.99
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We All Fall Down

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