duminică, 26 februarie 2017

Joseph Ford

Joseph Ford is a young photographer with a growing reputation both for his commercial and personal work. From photography stock (his father is the well known advertising photographer Graham Ford), his natural ability to glimpse and capture something unusual and surprising in ordinary and mundane city streets in Brussels and Coimbra in Portugal demonstrates a true artist's eye. Ford studied modern languages at St Catherine's College, Cambridge and the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. In 2001 he moved to France to pursue his photography career. He now divides his time between the UK and France His work has been exhibited in Paris and London and a commission from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to celebrate the centenary of the Entente Cordiale in 2004 saw his work exhibited at the British Ambassador's Residence in Paris. Ford also won a prize in France's National Concours des Assistants Photographes in 2004. Not one to shy away from going to extremes to capture the ideal shot, recent commissions have seen Ford shooting from helicopters in Monaco and Mauritius, climbing mountains in the dark in the quest for the perfect dawn shot in Spain, and learning to Scuba dive for an underwater shoot for a worldwide advertising campaign for the luxury hotel chain Beachcomber. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: USD1.00
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